Monday, July 11, 2011

My laptop is stupid, can you please help?

I have a sony vaio VPCF136FM. Lately, it has begun changing the basic functions of my keyboard. I have a numeric pad on the right side so number lock issue doesn't apply here. I'll give some examples: my 'L' key will lock my computer, my 'M' key will minimize the foremost window and the arrow keys munipulate the window accordingly e.g.: left will shift the window to the left, down will minimize the window, up will maximize the window, etc. Can anyone tell me what the problem is? I tried calling the stupid vaio care people, but all the guy did was have me uninstall and reinstall the drivers after a half hour of BSing. Shortly after that the issue popped up again requiring another reboot. I've also done a ridiculous number of computer scans for viruses, registry issues, and any other possible problems that could pop up. I've even defragged and nothing. I haven't gone as far as actually changing anything because I don't really don't what I'm doing in that regard, but I could really use a hand. Any solutions?

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