Monday, July 18, 2011

How can u tell if a function is a "one to one function" ???? so confused as to what this even means?

one-to-one means that each output is associated with exactly one input. For example, y=x^2 would not be one-to-one because the input values (the x's) share y values (e.g. 1 and -1 share 1). When looking at a graph, it is like using the vertical line test to determine if an equation is a function, only you are doing a "horizontal line test." Simply, the x values have to have different y values. Any parabola, like f(x)=x^2+8x+1, is not one-to-one.

What happens when you get your mac air hinges repaired?

both my hinges broke,and my screen no longer functions,what are the steps they take to repair it?Do they remove or check your hard drive ?

Tetanus from a scrape?

I live in an apt in NYC. Scraped the top of my foot with my bike pump's bottom (it's made of metal). The metal isn't rusty, just a little dusty. The scrape drew some blood, and within a few minutes I washed the scrape with soap and put some bacitracin on it. Is a tetanus booster necessary IMMEDIATELY?

Is Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners in accordance with the international law?

Its been stated that at present Israel are holding over 9,000 prisoners many young children imprisoned for throwing stones at the IDF This must be against human rights . Do Israel, as occupiers, have the right to imprison anyone, not to mention the 1.5 million imprisoned in the Gaza strip As for Gilad Shalit he is just a prisoner of war and when a satisfactory peace deal is agreed by both parties he will be released . He will be a major factor when they finally sit down and try to arrange some kind of deal

MTG Divine Deck Cost?

I recently managed to get this deck in an MTG value pack that came with two decks and a booster, but was worth only $10.00. I didn't get the Demonic deck in the pack, but still got the Divine one, including all of its cards. Can anyone tell me an approximation of how much they think this deck by itself is worth? (It also includes the foil Akroma, Angel of Wrath.)

Dog 1 and 1/2 year old bloody liquid stool ?

My dog (pitbull terrier) has all her shots and was even given a parvo booster shot a little over 2 weeks ago. She was around puppy's who died of parvo after which she was taken to the vet checked on and was updated on her vaccinations. Last night around 5 am she started having normal diarrhea this morning her first stool was basically completely liquid it was blood colored and smelled like blood. She vomited this morning 3 times followed by her first bloody diarrhea at which point I took her immediately to the vet. She was given a parvo and blood test both of which came back as negative. I have all kinds of medications antibiotics to give her. But I and the vet are baffled what is this? Has any1 experienced something like this? I also have a male (bully pitbull) who is one year who is showing no signs at all the are separated and he is in the Kennel until I finish rebleaching the yard and house I've already spent 500$ and I have no real answers on what this is! I just want my baby to be ok both of them! Any information would be great!

Prove that x is continuous?

A function f:R-->R is said to be additive if f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y) for all x,y in R. Prove that if f is continuous at some point x_0, then it is continuous at every point of R

I have the alpha omega elite carseat for my two year old and its great in the sense that it can be used in ?

Reverse, forwards, and as a booster. However, every time my son falls asleep in it, his neck just hangs so badly because in the forward position its not supposed to be reclined. Is this how they all are? What has actually worked for you to prevent this problem?

Money Makers and Team Building?

im sorry i have no god ideas for fund raising except the obvious car wash idea however for a team bonding activity. Every season my coach always gets about three spools of ribbon. Before our first Competition or the practice before the day of our Competition we sit in a circle. she holds the end of the ribbon and hands it one girl on the team and tells them something great about them and why they make the team better, when shes done the girl that was just being told all those things hands the ribbon off to someone new while keeping a hold of the ribbon, we do this until everyone has had a turn and the ribbon now looks like a web connecting us. the web signifies the team. were only as strong as our weakest person and we can only succeed together, then we go around and cut a piece for each of us and every competition we wear the piece of ribbon on your left bra strap over our heart ;) hope you like this and can use it

What is wrong with my Pando Media Booster?

Whenever I try to download a game: e.g League of Legends, Combat Arms, and Battles of Immortals, why is it that PBM doesn't work. It says something like "downloading pbm" on the launcher. Then all of a sudden 50+ pop ups come up saying that PBM stopped working. I'm from America but right now I'm in the Philippines if that has any relevance. Also I'm downloading the American client.

What do you think of these names for triplet girls?

Set #1, Set #5, and Set #6 I think are the best. They're classic names that the girls and grow with, meaning they're not flouncy, cutesy names, that'll hold them back when they're older (Like Kaylee or Kylie). And they go together well. I personally like Set #1 the best. I love love the name Alexandra, much better than it's parallel, Alexandria.

How much is JUST a rare Wulf, Lightsworn Beast worth?

1 dollar yugioh cards are mostly not that worth much unless you got really lucky from a booster pack or you got it from a trournament.

Is this is a good computer.?

Dell Inspiron 530s-Intel pentium Daul Core @ 1.6 ghz-4 gb DDR2 Ram-256 mb video memory-Thanks I use it to play Quickhit Football Cross Fire and Battlefield Heroes. They all run great with barely any lag and that's with 1gb of memory. I'm upgrading to 4 gb. I think it has some sort of processer booster.

What would your new name be (Cities Edition) ❤?

May 7th-Cambria Blaine..i personally dont like it, if i could chose my b-day based on this list, i would be born on June 17th, Savannah Charlotte--love it!!

Is it Ok to drive a convertible car while having 5 old kid in the back seat?

Is this against the law or not? I live in southern ca. If the top of the car is down, is it Ok to have my kids in a car seat or booster seat in the back and drive the car? Thanks

How can I write this function on VBA- Excel 2003?

I have a range of cells that I add data to on a weekly basis. At the end of the week, I cut this range and paste it in another sheet within the same file. The trick is that I have to paste it in the reverse order. So, cells from B--> H needs to be pasted in the reverse direction H-->B. How can I do this using VBA?

Question about tetanus?!?

I had my tetanus booster when I was 11, and now I'm 16. I got cut with my friends rusty razor blade (didn't realize it had rust on it till later). Lately I've been feeling shaky, I've had headaches, neck pains, and chest muscle spasms. I've also been really tired and my blood pressures been high, even though I'm really physically active, and I can't sleep well and when I do sleep have night sweats which has never happened to me before. I know they recommend you get tetanus shot every ten years but, in some people I hear it wears off as early as 3 years after the booster. Should I worry/go to doc?

How does the Yesha Council operate for dual citizenship?

I think this is a subject for the UN, have a read here; a href="" rel="nofollow"

3 lovely hotels to stay en royute from Calais to Geneva please?

My wife and I will drive to Geneva in early June. We want to visit lovely places en route and to take our time. Can anyone recommend 3 excellent and hopefully not too expensive hotels or inns en route please ?

Tetanus from a scrape -- still worried?

You will probably be ok. Tetanus is a disease from dirt and rusty metal, usually from farms and the country. You might get that shot the next time you are at the docs though. They are good for 10 years if you do not get injured, 5 if you do.

Now that Justice has been done for Osama, when do the war crimes trial for the GW Bush administration start?

He illegally used torture against the Geneva Convention, and illegally wiretapped millions of Muslim phone calls, and humiliated hundreds if not thousands of detainees in Gitmo and Abu Grahib

Need information regarding vaccination at 18months?

My son is 20months old. He is due for DPT+OPV+HIB booster I which is administered at the age of 18months according to vaccination schedule in India. But at present we are resided in adelaide, Australia. But this vaccine is not scheduled here. Is this a compulsory vaccine? Is there any place in adelaide where they administer DPT booster at 18 months? Or do i need to travel to india for the vaccination?

New born an car seat? (infant or convertable)?

should i buy a infant car sear (rear facing 5 pound to 2 pounds) or a convertable one (rear facing 5 pound to 35 pounds, ten turns into forward facing carseat....some even into a booster seat)??????

Whats the inverse function of g(x)=(-x+3)/(-7x+6)?

I cant seem to find g^(-1) my original answer was wrong. If anyone knows how to solve please share. thankyou for your time.

I hate my mother, you HAVE to read this, it is all real!?

I hate my mother so much, you seriously have to read this and think if it is normal. No question surrounds that my mother and i have never seen eye to eye. I am a straight a student, achived 3a*s and 8a's at GCSE and 4 A's at A level. My mother's response to me doing well after my sociology a level and getting an a was not well done son but rather i got an a in sociology in the most spiteful and harsh tone ever. Before my a level exam actually it was my mother's day off and she had already said she would not be taking me to school as she wanted a lie in. That was fine, i got the bus to and fro school for every exam and so it didnt bother me, however the way she acted this day really pissed me off. My exam was actually at 2 and she couldnt be bothered to even get out of bed at even 1 o'clock to drive me to school but the reason she would not get out of bed is because i could vividly and clear as day hear her having sex with her boyfriend. I had an important a level exam and my mother refused to take me at 1 o'clcok in the afternoon because she was too busy having sex, surely that's not right!?!. I confronted her about this and her response to this was not i'm sorry but rather, and i quote as i can remember, "it's my house, not your's, i will do what i fuc**ing want". I was ten minutes late for my exam because i had to get the bus but i couldnt even be bothered with the hassle of telling her. 3 days later, i woke up for school and she had left for work, i went in to the bathroom and she had left a used condom in the toilet present for everyone to see, including my 14 year old brother, absolutely disgusting. Her response to this was again, "its my ******ing house, i will do what the fu*k i want". My brother needed the bathroom so i had to fish a used condom out of the toilet. Obviously i confronted her about this and she literally went off on the biggest rant i have ever witnessed, swearing left right and centre, when i was talking to her in a manner, raised as it was due to what she had did, never swearing at her. She has also came down the stair's on christmas day with her dressing gown wide open as she was drunk from the night before. She has done this several times and one time she answered the door to my friend, who was then 15 with here dressing gown, as usual wide open, with everything on show and when i tell her to put some clothes on she constantly for some uknown reason tells me to fu**k off and stop trying to be her dad. This is not the behaviour of a woman functioning normally surely. My brother has also witnessed her having sex with her bedroom door wide open at 9 o'clock in the evening and my brother said her boyfriend (her 2nd boyfriend out of 6 in a space of 6 years actually looked at him and just carried on. My brother was in tears and came into my room. My mother accused him of lying saying he was making it up even though she could be heard clearly even downstairs and he would not lie or make up a story about such a thing. The amount of times my mother has said that she wished i never lived in the house and that she didnt have to know me can not be counted. She talks to me like i am subhuman and near enough every day, every couple of hours tells me to fu**k off and launches into a torrent of abuse for god knows reasons. The very moment i am writing this for instance, just two hours earlier, beacuse i have no money as i am saving up for univeristy and am in the limbo between exam results and university and so can not realisticly find a job that will be happy to employ me and get rid of me in 2 months, i couldnt go out today as i have no money. She launched with abuse about how i have no friends and go fu**k off and live somewhere else. This is commonplace, she constantly swears it me and i cannot honestly remeber the last time she has talked to me without swearing at me, i dont swear at her, you have to believe me, i really dont. This is not normal, i didnt even say anything to her to induce anything! She constantly lowers my self esteem as well and always makes me feel self conscious about my weight and appeareance. On one occasion she said to me do you think your good looking and i replied i'm average i suppose to which, my mother laughed and said something under her breath. This post contains just a small number of incidents with my, and i hate to say it, my mother. I can not begin to express the hundereds of other times she has done stuff like this. On a final note, i will talk about how the last time she has took me and my brother on holiday was when i was 10 years old. I understand she doenst have alot of money but the thing is she has been on holiday every year since with one of her many boyfriends. Do you guys think what i have said in this post is how a normal mother behaves. You have to believe me, i really not am lying, i am not that type of person. Everything i have said here is real. What do you guys think of

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Does anyone else think America was out of line for invading Iraq, Vietnam & Grenada?

Iraq and Vietnam were wars we should have stayed out of. We were not protecting national interests, or defending our citizens. Grenada, I believe was justified. We were protecting our citizens in that case.

Is this a Brake Booster Problem?

I recently found out I had a leak in a brake line. I took it to a mechanic and they replaced the brake line for me. ($700). Then I got the car back and now my brakes are making a hissing noise when I apply them. The pressure is very good in the pedal. I don't have to press down much for the car to stop. The mechanic told me "the brake booster is probably going to go down the line". What the hell does that mean? Is is dangerous to be driving it like this? It's a 2000 pontiac sunfire. The car stops fine but its hissing from the pedal area. I can't afford to get it fixed right now and am wondering if it is dangerous to drive like this or if I can go a couple of weeks. If you have an explanation for why it could be doing this, that would be great. Also, a ballpark for how much it would cost to replace.

Disk brakes from salvage.?

i have a 69 Chevy nova. i have just redone the front and rear drum brakes. but I'm thinking this on a hypothetical sense / maybe hope to do this. But would it be possible to go to a salvage yard and find a vehicle with front and rear disk breaks, just taking the whole backing plate. the whole assembly (all 4 of them). Then the master cylinder, distribution block, and power brake booster. Then mounting that backing plate to my nova (not sure how to do that but i'm sure there is a way). running the brake lines to the new distribution block and master cylinder. what are your thoughts.

Is my master cylinder bad?

i have an 93 intrepid with about 200,000 miles on it. and i don't believe the master cylinder has been replaced. the brake pedal is weak and i tried bleeding it and possibly didn't bleed them enough or right. but when i turn the car on and pump the brakes after pumping them the brakes work better and the car stops better i have excessive pedal travel and when i go on the brakes they get Little firm then sink more. when the car is off and all the vacuum is out of the brake booster it doesn't move much. i notice some corrosion on the brake booster under the master cylinder but there is no leak..... the car was sitting for about 6 years before i got it. my dad bought it new and he doesn't remember changing the master cylinder... hopefully somebody can help , if i had a pressure gauge id check it but i don't

Looking for Black Ops boosters ps3?

Why would you boost 2 prestiges? You're already 13, pretty sure you can get your cute little golden guns there. Kids these days.

Helpp please thank you so much!!!!?

can a logarithmic function have a base of zero also can a domain of a logarithmic function f(x)= log5 x be all positive real numbers?

What can I invest in?

My husband wants to invest in a condo at Timberridge Lodge in Lake Geneva (if anyone is familiar with it). I think it's not in the cards for us to invest in something like that. It would take alot of our time and not to mention constant worry from me to make the 2nd mortgage payment and property taxes, and hoping that the condo will rent out for most days of the week/month, etc etc. I handle the budget and if we can't live within our means now, I just think that investing in real estate is just risky for us. What are some other things we can invest in? We already invest in the stock market and we both have 401k at work. I told him if he wants investment advice to call my dad, and he got mad at me. What I wanted to tell him was that my dad is retired and living in a nice house in Florida, but his mom and dad are still working in their middle 60's. I think my dad has it figured out - he invests in mostly stocks and bonds I think. But I wanted some ideas from other people. Any ideas I can throw at my husband?

How do people survive in horrid, socialist nightmare cities such as Zurich, Geneva, Stockholm, Marseilles and?

People adapt to their environment. I've often wondered how women in the middle east can live like that, and the only answer I can come up with is they don't know anything different, but many would probably feel differently if they were introduced to something different or even had the option.

Psychological torture or physical torture!What do you think is worse?

are both illegal under the Geneva Convention ? what is the difference between the two? when it comes to the mind ! are there long term effects?

Budget for travel in Europe?

Travel agents exits for a reason, but you can also find out at just type in each travel individually.

What do you think of this?

I think its fantastic. I thought it would be a possible marriage proposal but boy was I wrong! Matt was a stone-cold jerk for the way he broke up with her without any concern for her feelings.

Can i have a pokemon trading card game online booster code for emboar, samourott or servine on the themed deck?

Can i have a pokemon trading card game online booster code for emboar, samourott or servine on the themed deck thanks!

Is a blackwing deck easy to used or is it hard?

is a blackwing deck easy to used is it easy to learn and can you make a deck with the crow booster pack

What's the best career for me based on this description of me ?

I like challenge and want to feel important/needed at work...introvert but verrrry talkative with ppl I'm comfortable with....many mood swings...need ego booster from time to time...feminine...reserved..I like science and health....but not blood or contact with the sick...I like tidiness....I can be lazy but have slot of energy....i can be indifferent and nonchalant at times...I like to be alone...I like company when in the mood....and I love money !!

Does the 4th Geneva Convention forbid attacks on the civilian areas and collective punishment during the war?

Terrorism as we have it today probably wasn't prevalent back then. It's probably ignored in favor of expediency and approached with great caution to reduce as many casualties as possible. Idiotically, journalists seem to have no self preservation and will go directly into an area of conflict and stand around getting mowed down by crossfire between two parties.

Why won't my ytunnelpro work?

i can log in on my ytunnelpro and use the im function but when i clik on join room i get a exception/runtime error and shuts/ closes messenger ....when i clik on a link to anything about ytunnelpro..i keep getting...oops,this link appears broken...dns error occurred.sever cannot be found...WHAT GIVES???

What's a booster shot do and for.?

it's used when the vaccine you had isn't lasting anymore, such as the fact that a tetanus vaccine usually becomes inactive after ten years, and you need a booster shot to maintain immunity.

Doctor prescibed meabolism booster?

My friend went to the doctors and she was just a little over weight(like 45 pounds) and the doctor prescribed her some kind of metabolism booster is what she called it.Does anyone know what it could be.Has anyone done it before.

So there's these girls that I like...?

In life, there is love. And in love, there is one person. You're the best judge on this after all. Choose one girl buddy, and she's yours. She's yours as long as you "believe" she's yours.

Tips for beginning applique' with sewing machine?

I want to learn to applique' with the satin stitch function on my sewing machine. I have several questions. I'm using cotton and I plan to fuse shaped fabrics with Heat n Bond lite or Wonder Under. I'm wondering how to keep the fabric from puckering and how to keep the stitches even around corners and turns. Can anyone give me some tips? THANKS!

What is wrong with my brakes?

Try disconnecting the brake booster (make sure you plug the engine side of the vacuum line) and see what it does.

What website to order from?

I'm going to open a booth in a shop and i'm wanting to sell things like those GENEVA brand jelly watches that come in lots of colors, purses and the cheap sunglasses. I went to a cute shop resently and thats what they had and i thought it was a really good idea. Only problem is I have no clue where to order that type of stuff...Can someone help me out? Thanks!

Question about Bin Laden Photos and the Geneva Convention?

Not the Geneva Convention -- it doesn't apply to terrorists or spies. Whoever told you that is the reason is either ignorant or has merely repeated lies that he was told. It would have been perfectly legal to tie his body to the bumper of a jeep and drag it to through the streets until there was nothing left to spit on.

My cat seems sick....?

You NEED to get her to the vet, maybe even a different vet. YES I went through the same situation 3 separate times. Cats EASILY get sick and can die VERY quickly. Although some medicines do tend to make cats lethargic, I would take her in. Also there are cat foods that help prevent uti infections, and I'm sure those would help. You have to keep those fluids in her! If when she went to the vet, they gave her an anesthetic, that might be why she is so slow. It usually takes about a day and a half to wear off. ALSO, antibiotics can get rid of both BAD and GOOD bacteria. So you can feed her some PLAIN, no preservatives yogurt. Yogurt has enzymes that help restore the good bacteria into the body. Keep a VERY close eye on her. My grandpas cats have mostly lived to at least 18 years, the oldest was 24! Don't listen to that first answer!

'96 Chevy pickup truck 2500 7.4 L?

the steering box and the power steering pump have been replaced. but the steering wheel is still very hard to turn. This truck uses a hydroboot (not power brake booster).When the steering wheel is hard to turn, the brake system also fails. What is the problem? Hydroboot maybe? Brake master cylinder? thank you.

Can i get my cat a vaccination booster if she has missed previous years or do we need to start again?

I have a rescue cat, she has a vaccination record book from when she was one, and no annual boosters since then, now she is 8 and I want to get her insured and vaccinated. Can I have a booster or will I have to have her done all over again? Will i have to have blood tests done first? Thanks!

Does Netanyahu or Obama realise that even the 67 borders are against international laws?

All the occupied land taken by Israel contravenes the Geneva convention article 49 where it clearly states that an occupier may not transfer its population or property onto lands it occupies For any kind of peace talks to take place should start at its 47 borders which Israel willingly signed and agreed to. Israel are members of the UN and should adhere in full to the rules it helped to make After WW2 all lands liberated by the allies were returned to their rightfull owners. So why should Israel be the one exception to this rule ?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I got told that Israel has misused the fourth geneva convention? If so, how?

Who cares? The Geneva convention was written by Europeans to make their stupid Imperialist wars seem more humane. First of all the British took land that wasn't theirs and gave it to the Zionist Jewish bankers in exchange for lots of Jewish money. Second, Britain divided the Middle East in such a way as to leave the Jewish immigrants totally surrounded by, and at the mercy of, their historical enemies. Arabs hating Jews is nothing new and everybody involved in creating Israel new they would be hated and surrounded by their enemies. Putting Jews in the middle of the Middle East was just a cruel and stupid thing to do. If we're going to blame anyone for the mess in the Middle East it should be Britain and the Zionist bankers not Israel.


So here is the story ,i had a copper coil IUD fitted 5years ago and i have suffered ernomous side effects from thrush severe moods swings suicidal thoughts severely emotional you name it ,sometimes i will feel like i'm definately preggos all the symptoms from A to Z i've gone fron size 8 to 14 hence going to the gym 3days a week since i had the coil rang Doctors and they told me i have to go on a waiting list to get it out so today in the shower just looked at my huge waist and i pulled it out to be honest i had no pain whatsoever So the question is what to expect,when do my body start function normally i was fed up of being a monster to everyone i can feel the difference already i'm already positive.Thanks For Your Help

UN wants to set up an agency to monitor homes who hire domestic helpers?

The U N wants to do a lot of idiotic things because the majority of them are one or the other of progressive, communist, socialist, fascist creeps. Cancel our membership and kick them out of the United States would be the right thing to do.

Help with our daughters name?

Belle Catherine :) It might be easier to pick a middle name if you used Isabella/Isabelle, you could always call her Belle. But all the middle names you picked sound good with Belle or Isabelle/Isabella :) Hope this helped.

2 and half year old, highchair or normal seat?

Im getting married next May and there will be 8 small children there. One child will be 3 and a half so im going to have her on a normal seat(even though she is really naughty and will run riot) The other children range from 1 year old to 2 and a half. Should i put the 2 and a half year olds in highchairs to keep them from running around or are they too old. (Booster seats are not an option)

What nokia priority showroom does?

I want to know the functions of nokia priority showroom customer support in detail. Like..Mobile replacements if any damage caused..and so on...plz help me.

Why hasn't Israel signed the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention?

Because the land (uterus) of Israel (It really doesn't matter if you call it Palestine either), being the slut that it has been over the years suffers from an STD called religion, and it realizes the only way it can survive and propagate is to spread its disease by having unprotected *sex*. The BTWC represents a contraceptive it is not prepared to use.

Bypassing minimum 1200 calorie intake limit per day with healthy food?

Hello, here's a question that my sister was wondering since today. My sister (and other humans) have to eat at least 1200 calories a day to keep the body functioning correctly. I monopolized her diet due to her inability to control her under/overeating, and I'm wondering: do things such as fruits and veggies with very low calories (or negative calories) make up for the 1200 calorie minimum? Or does she still need to consume the minimum? Also, if fruits and veggies will not bypass and make up for the 1200 calories (she wants to avoid fatty food) will things such as eggs, salmon, and other protein rich foods make it up?

What vaccination do i need?

hi im 14 years old and im going to be a freshmen this year...the last time i got shots was i think before kindergarden what shots do i need?do i need all of them or just the TB test, Booster, and the TDAP?do they hurt?

Can I run Team Fortress 2?

Okay. First off. your Basic Input/Output Program doesnt matter. nor does your manufacturer. I dont even know what the **** Page file is. but here you go:

Does arm and hammer whitening booster really work?

i just got the arm and hammer whitening booster stuff... and ive been using it for about 2 days. I used the crest white strips about 2 times awhile ago, and i brush twice a day so my teeth are already pretty white. But they arent the sparkling white im looking for.... Does this stuff work? Please help!

I dont know if I look.. ' right ' ..?

so, some people tell me I'm pretty and all that but then some people call me ugly.. I wear makeup for a confidence booster, I weigh 103 - 105 pounds, I'm 12 .. I have pimples but not that manyy.. I have blonde hair.. but sometimes I dont feel right my skin.. I really do not.. I dont know what to do to feel right in my own skin.. I feel fat.. I feel disghusting cause I have pimples.. I just dont feel right in my skin at all .. anyy helpp?./:

How do journalists/photographers get internet access in war zones or remotely overseas?

I'm interested in how journalism functions overseas on a technical basis. Some places have hotels that photographers or journalists can go back to and update blogs or upload photos for a publication, but in some areas thats just not possible. If you were traveling overseas and documenting a war and don't have access to a hotel with modern amenities, how do get photos back to your editor?

What's so wrong about being a functioning alcoholic?

BUt one day you might mess up and cause problems, Also it may seem that you're not hurting anyone but your hurting yourself . Please think before you drink because thats just stupid, no offense

I could use some help with a driving problem...?

I am short. about 5" even...i think. When I got into the driver's seat of my car I realized that I am way too short to drive something that has no power seating. I need a "booster seat" but I have no idea what would work and I really don't want to seem like a little kid. Can anyone help?

I bought a yugioh 20 card pack and i found a used card in it. is this normal?

I am new to yugioh and I bought to packs of 20 to make a deck from scratch (I know I should of got a starters deck but i wanted to make it from scratch). Any way, in one of the packs i got a normal monster card with worn corners and a F written in marker on the back. I don't really care because i replaced it with a card from a booster pack. But I was just curious about why it was in there and is it normal?

Help with brakes on 94 chevy s10?

Where you able to manually adjust the rear brakes tight ? before you bled the system? I would get a friend and manually bleed the brakes. Pump the pedal five times wait 10sec between pumps on the last downstroke. Open the bleeder screw at the right rear wheel cylinder. Continue this bleeding method until you get a solid stream of fluid out the bleeders on all for wheels. Keep the MC topped up.

Is Michelle Bachman an ethanol booster and does she get Ag subsidies to grow corn?

Like a lot of us, Bachmann wants to phase out subsidies. Thanks for highlighting another area of agreement with her.

Can i get into british columbia university ?

Hey everyone! my dream is to go to british colombia university in canada and i study here in the united states so i would be an international student , my GPA wasnt too good my junior year my unweighted is 2.9 and weighted ids 3.9 so do i still have time to change it in time for applications which i will do on regular time which is in the fall? and as far as extra curricular activities and involvement i think i have those covered i an captain of my field hockey varsity team and captain of the soccer team , vice president or Youth and government club , president of spanish club, in my school spirit club , volunteer in school functions, part of student board , etc. and im retaking my SAT which i know will be around 1600 .... ? can you guys please give me responses ?

How much is a misprinted Voltaic Key worth?

I got a misprinted Voltaic Key in my 2011 core booster. It's off center on the front and back of the card. I have searched eBay and even tried Google, but I can't find anything. Voltaic Key itself isn't worth much, but I know collectors love misprints.

Fun birthday ideas for Chicagoland area?

My birthday is coming up the last weekend of June and I've been really trying to think of something fun and different to do for it. I was originally thinking of taking a weekend trip to Lake Geneva for some fun summer activities but all the hotels are booked. I could do something in Chicago but I want to do something different than plain old bar hopping. I really want to get a hotel room(s) so me and all my friends can crash somewhere. A weekend trip would be fun but it can't be too far because no one can take off any work, so the other options that spring to mind are Milwaukee or Indianapolis? But I can't think of anything specific to do there that would make it worthwhile. Obviously, I'm having trouble settling on something and I want to make it really memorable!

Should I quit my son's high school soccer booster club?

The high school soccer team has become too intense for me. The Coach does not know enough about soccer and has cost us some games. Our record last year was a pityful 5-15-3 which he takes no accountability for. He plays favorites with players and their parents plus I have never been one to kiss up. I want my kid to earn his play time (which he has) but we find that these "favorite players" only pass to each other. My son also plays for a highly competetive club team which he loves. I'm afraid quiting will send a bad signal and hurt my son's remaining high school career.

Questions about Bin Laden Photos and The Geneva Convention?

the geneva convention is full of it one side has to play by the rules the other what rules did not hear a word wind American and other,s where dragged down a road by a truck where was you convention then bunch of BS is all it is or people getting there head cut off not a word

Can someone create a time line of event in Viet Nam?

People can point you in the right direction to make the timeline, but people aren't going to sit here and do your homework for you. You can use your favorite search engine to easily find the dates of when these things occurred.

Need information regarding vaccination at 18months?

My son is 20months old. He is due for DPT+OPV+HIB booster I which is administered at the age of 18months according to vaccination schedule in India. But at present we are resided in adelaide, Australia. But this vaccine is not scheduled here. Is this a compulsory vaccine? Is there any place in adelaide where they administer DPT booster at 18 months? Or do i need to travel to india for the vaccination?

How can I stop bragging?

Maybe just start leaving out some details when you talk about things, like instead of saying you flew to Italy to do some shopping, just say, "I did some shopping," and instead of saying that your parents had a cocktail party on a yacht, just say "my parents had a little get together." This way you're not lying, but you're not throwing things in people's face.

Question about Bin Laden Photos and the Geneva Convention?

It is not against the Geneva convention to release a photo of a terrorist. The geneva convention does not apply to terrorists.

Why do people hate black ops, and prefer modern warfare 2?

The campaigns brilliant, zombies is beyond epic, grenade launchers are balanced, there's more Easter eggs, guns are way better, graphics are better, hackers are banned, games never crash, there's wager match, weapon upgrades are better, there's a theatre mode, games are never hacked, updates come constantly, there's cool guns modern warfare didn't chose cool guns like: full-auto famous, mac-11, galil, ak74u, ballistic knife..... , the maps are very good, we are getting more maps than modern warfare, there's no boosters, you can record and post videos on YouTube way easier. This makes no sense!!

Is it practical to maintain human rights with military prisoners?

The infantry and the dudes who are getting shot at aren't the ones guarding prisoners in these facilities. These are support people (i.e. FOBits) who stay on the FOB all year and don't ever have a single bullet whistle pass their heads. That's why in the Abu Graihb pictures you see all these women. There are no women in combat positions. These are support people who stay on the FOB all year so yeah, when you take a prisoner it might be a very interesting ride for him while you're taking him back to the FOB but you - as an infantry grunt or tanker or whatever combat MOS it is - are not going to be guarding him full-time.

In England what shops sell yugioh boosters?

instead of going to places like extreme gamez, just go to the more common stores, like target or walmart (if you have those in England) target and walmart will have all the new boosters. if you want old ones, just get them on i suggest amazon over ebay because im always hearing of people who get ripped off from ebay, but never on amazon

Friday, July 15, 2011

Where in Geneva, Switzerland can I buy an athletic discus?

I want to know where I can buy one of those 1KG Athletic discus in Geneva, Switzerland or anywhere close in neighboring france or somehwere near.

Find the derivative of the function?

Let f(x) = 1.9^(1.2x). Estimate the derivative f′(2.1) to within two decimal places by using a small enough interval

What helps pulmonary fibrosis?

My husband (70 years old) was diagnosed with PF almost 2 years ago. His lung function is currently 57%. Would, for example, the Indian Neem oil inhalation help in any way?

What is the best anabolic/testosterone boosters for 56 yr. old man?

im looking to build the perfect stack for my Dad. He is 56 years old, in great health and pretty good shape. He wants to be in better shape, build muscle, become even more active than he is... but has no energy or drive. I was thinking about getting him Re-forge for a Testosterone booster, a 'sport vitapak' and some wheybolic ext. 60 protein all from GNC. would that be a good stack or is there something better?... also should he add in fish oil?..also casein after he is set on an exercise regimen?.... any advice helps! thanks a ton!! :)

What can i do to let my nokia 2330c-2 to work normal?

it functions too slow, doesn't browse, it hangs, it switches off unnecessarily and does not switch on bluetooth

Sleeping in same room as someone with stomach virus?

If you did not get it the last two times, you might not get it this time. However, considering how contagious stomach viruses are i suggest you avoid contact with her and watch you hands constantly and show two times a day. I hope you do not get sick and your sister gets betters soon.

What were/are the international institutions response to gaddafi's war crimes.?

Basically how have they responded to Gaddafi's war crime violations to uphold the human rights act/geneva convention

What are some good cards for a blackwing deck other than blackwings?

add dark armed dragon great for dark theme deck , guard mines crow use it , mirror force can destroy all attack position , icarus attack can destroy 2 card , level returner crow use it , mage power and united we stand can combo with fane the steel chain and sirroco to ftk !?

Looking for a Specialist Doctor in Geneva Switzerland?

You don't need to see a specialist. Any General Practitioner/ Family Doctor can diagnose and treat syphilis. Don't wait 'til next month, either.

Visual Basic Question?

I wish to create some sort of random functions with buttons. Right now, there are 6 buttons in total, with one of them being the 'Right' button (just some very simple mini-game). Is there some way to randomise this 'Right' property to any of the 6 buttons?

Whats the inverse function of g(x)=(-x+3)/(-7x+6)?

I cant seem to find g^(-1) my original answer was wrong. If anyone knows how to solve please share. thankyou for your time.

How much is maxxor worth?

i have a first edition maxxor i got in a booster pack. i might sell it. if so, where, (i was thinking ebay) and for how much? (all its stats are 60 or higher)

Is it illegal to own a hedgehog in new York , Geneva ?

I was thinking of owning a hedgehog but i want to know if it is legal to own one in new York , Geneva

Who thinks call of duty mw3 will be over rated ?

who thinks call of duty mw3 will be same old bullshit like MW2, for example lame perks, a signature overpowered smg, campers, hackers, lame DLC, modded controllers, overpowered recoiless assault rifle, explosive weapon spamming, boosters, certain overpowered killstreaks

How to get rid of a message on a emulator thing?

visualboyadvance emulator always says This Game cannot Function on this Hardware every time i want to go to the grand kais tournament on DBZ Buus Fury HOW DO I GET RID OF IT HELP

Would you rather be single or in a loving committed relationship? what's your zodiac sun sign?

I love being in love. I'm in love with love lol. Having a person who reciprocates my feeling is the best. But, I don't mind being single either.

Soveriengty Rights Over the Colors of the Sheets in Bed?

I am Leo / Year of Tiger and my girl is a Pisces / Year of the Pig (which I only found out prior to writing this question so she will hear about that tonight). She wants to leopard or cheetah print sheets and then she started talking about getting that for her posing outfit (looks like a swimsuit) for fitness modelling stuff she does and to work out at the gym. I said she would be disrespecting my people by getting that but, since I play soccer and she plays kickboxing she basically said "whateva I do what I want!" Do I at least have a valid point within the astological "Geneva Convention rules of warfare" I mean if I am going to get a beat down I want it to be for a worthy and noble cause. It ain't like I put bacon in the fish aquarium or anything. Sheesh.

Question about Bin Laden Photos and Geneva Convention?

Has nothing to do with Geneva. Simple Ever seen a human head after a gunshot? I have. Not Pretty with brains looking like smashed cantaloupe.

So torturing soldiers was the primary GOP contribution?

NOPE as usual you have it WRONG.....pity you can not understand they are NOT protected by the geneva Convention....actually the Convention calls for their SUMMARY EXECUTION as they are not UNIFORMED combatants.....some day maybe you will learn to USE your brain

Help with partial derivatives of trig functions?

PARTIAL DERIVATIVE IS MOST EASY AS COMPARE TO DERIVATIVE.It involve 2 steps Q(1)-at first find d/dx f(x,y)=3cox3x and second step is d/dy f(x,y)=-5sin5y it depend on u what partial derivative do u find.d/dx sinx=cosx, d/dy cosy=-siny. 2)d/dx f(x,y)=e^y,d/dy f(x,y)=e^x.3)d/dx z=cos(x+2y), d/dx(d/dx)=-sin(x+2y), (!!) d/dy z=2cos(x+2y), d/dy(d/dy)z= -4sin(x+2y). soi think your ans is complete. remember you consider variable only those terms which partial derivative w.r.t (say x) you want find ,another variable suppose constant.number of variable in eqs=number of partial term eqs. i always try to solve all question entirely. you submit what think dont solved about Q.i try explain more tips and shorcut method . i am BSC(MATH,PHYSICS).GOOD LUCK

I have had shoulder pain for the last 3 years?

I went to see my GP who referred me to physio I had a bit of improvement but went back with the same problem 3 months later,my GP prescribed ibuprofen with the same results I persevered with the pain until I went to see my GP again this March she would have referred me back to physio but I told her I wanted to get to the bottom of the cause of the pain.I was sent for a chest x ray in April(2011) it came back showing inconsistencies I was referred to chest clinic at my local hospital who sent me for CT,PET & MRI scans Pulmonary function breathing tests,Bronchoscopy & CT scan needle biopsy of the Lung last week I was given a diagnosis of lung cancer & the consultant talked about having an op to remove part of my right lung but they wanted to wait for the results of the MRI scan which took place last Wednesday,yesterday(Tues)I attended chest clinic with my husband & was given the results of the scan apparently I have cancer in my R shoulder,Adrenal glands & top of my R leg (which they`re not too bothered about at the moment ) because I have cancer in more than 1 place I can`t have the op I am to start with Chemo next Monday my question is does anyone think I have a case for negligence with my GP for not acting sooner.

Add passport number to booking?

Flight from London Gatwick to Geneva on 04 07 2011 Reference number Q605947 Christopher James Blackmore and Cherry Blackmore

Do people usually take a booster with vyvanse?

The concentration only last a bout 8 hours for me... and I usually stay awake at least 16hours a day...

Why does the sqrt(x^2) return only x? Shouldn't it return both x and -x?

When graphed (on a ti-84) it only graphs the positive return and overlooks the negative one. I know that if the negative points were included it would not be a function because it fails the vertical line test but why is that so? It seems to me that there's no reason a function could't have two points on the same vertical line.

Warning Don't download "Registry Booster" if you were asked to! I did & I want to delete it but Can't!?

I wanted to open an email but was asked to down load this: Registry booster programme Free of charge to be able to see the email, so I - regretfully - did! soon after I got Warning message that this programme caused 132 errors in my computer and now it might crash unless I download some other programmes costing.??..$ $ !! I tried to delete " Register booster" But I can't! What can I do? and how can I report these thieves?

How much octane booster needed to raise from 91 to 93?

I just bought an apr stage 1 chipped ecu for my 2001 Jetta 1.8t used, only problem is it is the 93 octane program, i cant find 93 where i live... does anyone know how much octane booster i would need to raise it from 91 to 93?

Having a baby and need to pick names?

I can tell you like different kind of names, and seeing as how names are people's personal identifiers, it's refreshing to see someone who doesn't want a kid named Bella or Ashley, but something actually unique. However I don't really like any of these. Skylar, Raine, Ava, and Sienna are actually cute, though. I like Sienna the best. So maybe Sienna Louise? Lynne? Sorry I'm not that much of help with middle names.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I need to lose weight quick! help?

okay so im going to the pool with my boyfriend for the first time on saturday, and i need to flatten my stomach quick! im willing to do anything. please dont tell me its wrong because im just going to do it for a week, but today i only have fruits and vegetables, and worked out for an hour. i also am taking a metabolism booster pill. any suggestions? please help me!

Why is shooting with a .50 cal illegal?

According to the Geneva Convention why cant you shoot people with a .50? whats the reasoning? i think its scince been changed but idk why it was a law to start with

Need to replace Master Cylinder and Brake Booster. Which should I replace first?

Replace both at once, if you have the master cylinder off, you're halfway to replacing the booster anyways. Pull the check valve off of the vacuum line and try to blow through it both ways. If it only allows air to flow one direction, it's fine. The fact that your engine revs up when you press the pedal tells me that the diaphragm inside the booster is leaking badly, so it needs to be replaced anyways. Good luck!

Does my power break booster need to be changed?

Its a mercedez AMG CL 5 something. I know there's a 5. I believe its a 2007 or 2006 it was a friends car but I bought it from him and the breaks are hard to press down when I try to stop and. The ABS light comes on and I'd have to pull over and shut off the car cause it will stall and I'd have to was a few hours before I can start the car

I want to know about wireless wifi signal booster / repeater?

I am using TP Link 150Mbps Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router ( TD-W8151N ). But it gives just 1 wifi signal in my room. I have been replaced antenna, now it has 8dbi antenna but still same signals. I heard about wifi signal booster / repeater / access point / bridge system. Now i want to go for that but that 2nd device for signals i want to attach with my ADSL2+ Modem Router via wifi, i dont want to attach that via wire. Can any one tell me is that possible if yes then which device i should get and is that supported my TP Link 150Mbps Wireless N ADSL2+ Modem Router ( TD-W8151N )? Thanks in advance.

What are some good metabolism boosters for men?

Was just wondering if there are any vitamins or something a man could take to speed up his metabolism. Or just anything.

How should I plan my euro trip?

Hi! How about making a stop in Portugal maby The Algarve...I hear it's very beautiful and you will be exposed to the Portuguese way of life! Awsome

Was the Locarno pact signed under the League of Nations?

can it be listed as a success for the league of nations? And also other pacts such as The Washington Conference and the Geneva Protocol and the Kellog-Briand Pact? Can we say that those were success of the league ?

What do you think of this breakup scene?

It's a little contradictory because she acts like she's constantly annoyed by him and doesn't like him but then is heartbroken when he breaks up with her? It would be more realistic if she was mad for him breaking up with her when she should be the one breaking up with him.

Pre amp in technics 1200 needed to buy Geneva Sound Model L?

I know nothing about turntables etc and just bought a Technics SL-1200MK2 Turntable. I would like to get the Geneva Lab Sound system model L and need advice on if its compatible or if anyone knows if the technic 1200s have a pre amp in them already? or if I need one? which one is cheap but works good or any recommendations? Thanks in advance

In the last sentence of my conclusion in my essay, can I say an interesting fact?

You may have to leave it out unless you can incorporate it into the body rather than the conclusion. You need much more to tie it into the essay; it's too big a statement to tack it on the end. Then you can refer to it in the end, if that fits your conclusion.

What pokemon booster box should i buy?

I am thinking of buying a pokemon booster box. Sadly I am unsure of which is the best. I kind of want Call of Legends, Legends Awakened, Black & White, or HeatGold SoulSilver Unleashed. What one do you think would be the best for the money. If there are any other good ones please inform me. Thank you!

Is it legal to torture terrorist outside of the U.S?

I think we should play by the rules if they did. So everything is on the table when we US citizens get attacked at home or abroad.

Questions and answers on function of the digestive system?

I don't quite understand your question. The function of the digestive system is to chemically and mechanically break down foods so that the body can absorb the nutrients needed.

Im trying to turn off my functions key so when i press F5 it actually refreshes, not makes my screen brighter.?

When i try to turn of the function key, since i have a Dell Inspiron 17R, I have no clue if you can still find that model but still. The function keys area is mainly focused in F1-F12 keys, im trying to make The F1-F12 keys work without me having to press the FN(function key) and instead i have to press the Fn key to change the volume, and or screen brightness. Basically tying to switch what the Fn key uses, instead of me pressing Fn to use F5 and wat not, i want to us the Fn key to adjust screen brightness and volume and such. if i haven't made this to confusing please help. i was able to do it before but now i cant figure it out.

Where can I get a Realistic owner's manual?

I have been all over the internet trying to find the owner's manual for a Realistic Stereo Frequency Equalizer/Booster Model No. 12-1954. Any one know where I can get one. All I really need is the input and output wire color codes.

How old do you have to be to buy helium tanks in Wisconsin?

I wanna release 99 red balloons in downtown Lake Geneva, WI I think this would be cool to do. It was inspired by the song "99 Red balloons"

Hi, I'm using Nokia E63. But I don't know how to use it without connect with web.?

whenever I open any application means it suddenly getting connection into mobile office of the provider. Because of this sometimes I happened to lose my balance, and continuously put some pocket-internet booster packs. Plz give me an solution for this.

Why am I always tired?

Are you feel anxious or nervous about anything because that can affect your sleep, when I was depressed I go around 2 hours of sleep a night and would wake up and couldn't fall back to sleep :(

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What is a good, safe diet pill that works?

Since 2008 I've lost 150lbs. I am 5'7 and weigh about 145 lbs. My goal weight of 140 is stressing me out, I just can't drop these last 5 lbs! I eat healthy 95% of the time, and the other 5% isn't AWFUL stuff (nothing fried, nothing high in sugar) I'm just a big snacker so I try to pick on things like rice cakes and special k bars. I work out 2-3 times a week with a trainer. Someone recommended that I try a diet pill or metabolism booster to get over this hurdle, but I'm scared. I had a bad experience with Stacker 2 many years ago that always left me fearful to try diet pills... any sugguestions for something that actually works to help curb the appetite without making me jittery? Thanks!

Why wont my 1 1/2 yr old sit long enough to eat? ?

My daughter just turned 1 1/2yrs and for the last few days she dosnt want to sit in her booster chair and eat... its not a high chair.. its the kind that gets strapped to our kitchen chair... I thought maybe taking off the tray part and letting her use the kitchen table would help but no it didn't... like this morn for instances I made her oatmeal.. of which she's had before nuttin new.. I licked her up and out her in her chair to eat and as soon as she sat she start whining... so I continued to try to feed her and she just flals her arms and turns her head from left to right and wont eat... so I took her out and tried to c if she'd eat running around and she did... but im not gonna chase her around the house to get her to eat... there's days she don't wanna eat dinner which means she goes to bed with no dinner and that bothers me.. how do I get her to sit and eat? Sometimes she will sit and eat but there's days she wont eat lunch or dinner... plz help

Hurt and unable to earn income ... is there help?

Sorry for your friends condition... this isnt a steady job but I have received 3 $500 prepaid visa cards in the last 2 weeks, just do it over and over.. I have 2 more due to arrive any day. copy and paste this url.. good luck...

Can I get into the University of Delaware?

You are right on track if the 3.5 quoted above for your GPA is unweighted. Your SAT results are better than those of the enrolled freshmen. While other factors are considered ( see below) you appear to be in good shape for admission to the University of Delaware./

Could i overclock my i32100?

Hardly at all since the BCLK in BIOS is tied to most of the CPU functions and raising it too much will make it unstable quickly. You can only try raising it up 1-5 over the 100 default settting

What makes Switzerland not a cheap place to visit...?

...I listened to a radio travel show, and they named the top 10 most expensive cities in the world. Three of those cities are in Switzerland....Bern, Zurich and Geneva. Why is that?

Why does my Minecraft seem to be lacking things that other players have? I have bought the game, but yet....?

Hey! I bought Minecraft, and I play it a lot (through the browser) on my PC. I have noticed, through watching many youtube videos, that there is a lot I can't do on mine. For instance; I can't do any of the physics stuff, I can't make a mine cart booster, I can't make fishing polls, There is no clay on my map, etc. I'm just wondering why. Is it because I'm playing it in the browser? If someone could help me out, I'd much appreciate it! :) Thanks!!

Need advise on buying a car in Mexico city. Plz help!?

I am moving from Geneva to Mexico city next month. I am 29 years old and have just got my driving licence. I have no driving experience apart from the lessons I took. We will be living in a nice neighbourhood in Mexico city (Lomas de Chapultepec). Now I need to buy a car! What should I go for? New car or used? I am so confused. Safety is the only thing I am looking for, I have no preference in cars and no knowledge of them either.

Can i run TWO battery saver/booster apps on my andriod phone at once?

I just got the htc EVO 4G and i didn't get the extended battery, so i downloaded DROIDFUEL and JUICE DEFENDER, two apps that are supposed to boost battery life.. anyways, can i run them both at the same time and save even more battery or is that just pointless. oh and one more thing, what is task killing? i dont understand that, im new to andriod phones. thanks guys.

Has anyone tried the natural testosterone booster Cygen EXOTest?

I have been searching and searching the internet for customer reviews or anything of the like to tell me what others think of this natural testosterone booster called EXOTest!! I can find lots of information on the product but no reviews or comments? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Do Pro Torture Patriots take comfort in putting our troops in harms way?

The sickening sight of members of the US military being dragged and abused is sufficient for me to understand that terrorists do not subscribe to the Geneva convention therefore why should we. I do not support the torture of our troops.

Describe the meaning of the number -.1 in the formula, P(x) =-.1x^2+50x-300?

Annual profit in thousands of dollars is given by the function, P(x) = 12x - 100, where x is the number of items sold in thousands, x ≥ 10.

Would you say something or not?

If you aren't really friends and since all the drama at your house with her occurred,I would not say a thing to her.She may just take it the wrong way.

Europe trip this summer HELP?!?

I am a 16 year old girl I will be traveling to Paris, Barcelona, Sevilla, Madrid, and Geneva June 20-July 4. What exactly should I pack? What is the weather like in these places? Any and all advice appreciated, Thanks!

What parts of the military law did Will Smith's character in "Independence Day" violate treating his prisoner?

Well, unless his alien prisoner was read his rights that were not shown in the movie he would have been given the opportunity to get his own alien attorney. But I remember that the alien was hostile towards him so Wil's character had authority to use excessive force. But if you remember while he was in custody the prisoner ended up killing three people so I believe he did nothing wrong with the way the prisoner was treated.

Two Different Functions? Need A Little Help?

A function takes at most one output value for any set of inputs. Or in the x-y plane (x is input, y is output), it takes at most one y value for any x value. The second equation has two different y values for a given x value (for instance, when x=0, y is both +2 and -2) so is not a function.

How do you make a game like MineCraft without touching code?

I want to make like MineCraft Clasic- Players having the ability to build whatever they want pretty much wherever they want, and having a multiplayer function. Does anybody know a game engine or other way where you can make something like this?

My power brakes don't feel like I'm getting any of the power assist?

On my '67 Firebird I put a front disc conversion kit on it. The kit came with everything including the booster and master cylinder. I've bled the brakes but as I'm trying to stop the pedal feels stiff and I have to press it down all the way and it feels like I'm only getting 20% of my stopping power, it stops the car but with more work than it should. On the distribution block there are two lines connecting to the master cylinder, two running to bother front wheels, and 1 running towards the rear. But here is the confusing part..there is another female threaded hole on the dis. block that has nothing connecting to it. I don't know what goes there or if that is my problem. Also I rebuilt the motor and it has a bigger than stock cam that is a .470 lift with a 320 duration and an Edelbrock thunder seriers carb. I am getting vacuum(when i unplug the line from the booster it hisses) but i'm not sure if i'm getting enough. I don't have a gauge to check it. Sorry if reading this gave you a headache I'm stressed about this.

Do long-distance relationships ever work? Suggestions...?

I'm moving to Geneva in September for two years to do a postgraduate degree at a great school with a really nice scholarship. the problem is that I started seeing someone 6 months ago and I really like him - we're in love and he's perfect. I applied for the masters degree before I started going out with him. The opportunity for me is too good to turn down, but it means that I'll be away from him for 2 years. He lives in London at the moment, but he is Brazilian and he's finding it impossible to find a job here in his area - banking and finance. He wants to start setting down roots somewhere as he is 31 and I think that he'll find it equally hard if not harder to find a job in geneva. He is thinking about possibly going back to Brazil, but I don't know what will happen to our relationship. do you think it's possible to ever have a long-term relationship? do you have any suggestions about compromises we could explore. I want to be with him and he wants to be with me, but it seems as if we're in completely different places in our lives at the moment, both geographically and career-wise. Help!!!

RAMADAN: Prisoners of War?

Of course it is true everyone should be treated the same. But how do you choose to ignore the beheadings of non-muslim by taliban (many examples) and also killings of non muslims in muslim states?

What is the definition of a healthy person according to the Geneva convention ?

Living 3 meters above the ground and so on... I'm just curious about the whole definition. Please give a full answer. Thank you in advance !

Hepititis B innoculation?

Hi there, ive had three injections and had a double booster. that was 2 years ago and now ive been told im not innoculated. if i got to different clinic is it ok to have th 3 injections again?

What vaccination do i need?

hi im 14 years old and im going to be a freshmen this year...the last time i got shots was i think before kindergarden what shots do i need?do i need all of them or just the TB test, Booster, and the TDAP?do they hurt?

Was Water-Boarding acceptable method by international conference?

I heard on a talk show that one of the ways to get information of the where-abouts of Osama Bin Laden was through the usage of water-boarding.The speculation is that water-boarding was not permissible by the Geneva Convention. This is controversial argument. What do you think?

How Much Is A Near Mint Charizard Ex Pokemon Card Worth?

ehhh, dome on could offer u like 10 bucks for it, or u could sell it for 100, it all depends on the buyer.

Should I get a waxing or a laser hair removal?

I'm a 20 year old male in college and I have noticeable and dark hair on my hands, arms, knuckles, chest, and stomach. The fact is I don't want to shave because my mom always used to tell me "it grows back stronger, thicker, and blacker". The thing is ever since I was 15 I have been obsessive over this! I'm caucasian have dark brown hair and dark blue eyes if your wondering (I am of only Irish and English descent). I naturally have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and I have Asperger's (High Functioning Autism). My dad was very hairy and had thick hair on his hands and fingers. I have been so embarrassed to go to the pool with my friends (who are older than me and way less hairy than me), I have 6-pack abs but you can't see them well because of that HAIR GRRRRRR!!!!!! To my roommate, I always make the excuse "it's gay" when he always asks me "why do you always go to the bathroom when you put your shirt on and take your shirt off?" or "why don't you wanna swim with us?". I always wear long sleeves even in the summer and always wear a shirt when I swim because it's way too embarrassing!!!!!!!!!! I feel like my roommate is my only friend, I haven't had a girlfriend since I was 14, and I can't concentrate on any tests/quizzes because I'm just a big sychopath over this. Should I do waxing or laser hair removal?

Everyone, what do you think?

Do you think Atheism has essentially become its own religion? It has its own beliefs, its own rules, it has people constantly trying to convert you, its bigoted, it even has its own religious books. They can say its not a religion, but it DEFINITELY acts and functions like one. The only difference is they're unorganized and without a meeting place, and do not wish to go door to door. But since it has taken on the other traits, how long before it adopts those as well? What do you think? Oh and try to keep it civil.

From Geneva Airport to Gryon, Switzerland?

gryon is a small place, however there are lots of means to reach it from hiring a car to travling in train and even taking a plane to the nearest place, some of the best places to shop in switzerland for watches and seeing the chocolate and cheese factories and buying them at good rates is from zurich, as from here you can get guided tours to all other cities of switzerland and here you will also get ample opportunity to take good photos to take back home - try to touch big cities as base like geneva, zurich, berne, lucerne or even interlaken as from here you will have lots of chance to see, shop and eat and enjoy and you will get tours to check out the alps and enjoy trails and all. check out a href="" rel="nofollow" for more information on touring switzerland

Is it possible that i maybe has homosexual tendencies?

I hate gays. I belittle them and think they are scums. I said that so many times in chat rooms, but recently it came to my attention that i am so against homosexuality and i really really hate women. I was thinking i hate them, because my wife left me with another man and i was dumped several times. I have sadistic tendencies towards women. I like to abuse and use them. I can do that only in online because i am not a good looking or attractive man. I was wondering if there is any possibility that i can be a gay, because i am in depression all the time. I am not able to function properly. Looks like i am watching porn all the time to prove myself that i am not gay. I chose a religion that hates and degrades women.

Can I fit three carseats in a full size rental car?

I know my friend has a Toyota Camary and if I remember correctly there are definitely 3 seat belts back there. It may be a tight fit, but it should work. I would just call the rental company and be certain.

If an airbag works right and no one is hurt, is the company liable for the financial harm of not being injured?

It's illegal to be purposefully injured so that you can collect money. So, no; none of those scenarios would have any legal standing.

Can a 18v 500mA ac adapter be replaced with 12v 750mA ac adapter?

I have a booster pac / jump starter mod ESA2500 the ac adapter is only putting out 9 - 11 volts and is not sufficient to charge the booster pack, can a 12v 750mA ac adapter replace it due to the fact that is offers "750mA" over 500mA?

Do Liberals get a free pass?

No. Liberalism and conservatism are not racist. All liberals and all conservatives are not racist. Individuals are racist. Hold people accountable for their own comments instead of trying to paint everyone with broad strokes.

Can we contract rabies?

Our pet dog has a habit of licking everyone, he recently licked a rabid dog on the face which died the very next day. Though we had given him a booster vaccination when he was young and give him another set of vaccines 2 days after this incident on consultation with our vet. My question is are the people he licks at any risk of contracting rabies.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How can I get better reception on my Verizon iPhone 4?

Hi. I got the Verizon iPhone about 2 weeks ago and I don't have the best reception at my house. I can't even text or call. Sometimes I'll get a couple text, but I really wanna be able to text all the time. And please don't bother saying put it up to a window because it's a waste. I do get service when I put it up to a window but I don't wanna be going back and fourth. And I can't really get a network booster because my dad said it's stupid. We are barely home. I am home all the time. I just wanted to know if there is an app or something i could do to get better reception. Thanks for the help! :)

Samsung smiley up and left scroll keys convert when i use apps?

I had my old smiley replaced and got a new one a couple months ago. But when I start games or apps my left scroll key works as if it was the right one, and my up scroll key works as if it was the select/ok button. Is there any way to change this? Some apps dont allow me to use my keyboard instead. Also if I use the app long enough, the keys get stuck in that function until I restart the phone. P.s. The down, select/ok, and right scroll keys work fine.

Do I need to have a tetanus jab?

At work tonight I was bitten on the hand by a customers dog :( it only just broke the skin, and there was only a tiny bit of surface blood. The last time I had a tetanus was 17 years ago should I go and get a booster ?

Ghost Radar ipod app....?

okay, so I was using the ghost radar app and then it said lack, oxygen,fox, lake, storm, and does(like the female deer),. I live in geneva right by the fox river and there has recently been a storm. I don't know about anyone dying but I do know that during this time of the year, we see a lot of deers. I just cant ignore the fact that those words appeared IN THAT ORDER!!! I really think that there is something that I dont know. Im just glad that I was outside and not in my house. Then I would be a little freaked out. I just love the paranormal. I am actually glad that I ran into something like this. My little brother was with me though and it did freak HIM out :P

Is it safe to administer a horse's tetnus shot after the booster?

So my horse messed up his leg yesterday and I wa stuck at work and had a friend meet the vet at my house to have the horse looked at. When the vet asked her if my gelding had his tetnus shot she told him yes. But my horse didnt have one this year, and also didnt have one last year( I administer my own shots normally) anyways, my vet set him up with a booster and some antibiotics and so on. But my question is, Now that I have picked up my regulat tetnus shot, is it safe to administer it after the booster was given yesterday? My vets office is closed untill monday and I have to do this sooner rather than later to avoid risking my horses's health. Any advice or expereinces with this would be a great help. Thanks!

Do I need to get the tdap vaccine again?

I got it last summer during a sports physical and I'm just wondering if I still need to get a booster shot or something

Microsoft Excel ideas?

I am a student of a specialty center (information technology) school and as a summer project i need to make a spreadsheet with advanced functions. If anyone has ideas for what i can do or if they need anything that could double as a project i would be greatful (I will give the project to anyone who wants it afterwards).

Why is the U.S.A. not a signatory to the Geneva Convention on the Rights of the Child?

The U.S.A. and Somalia are the only U.N. member states that have not signed the aforesaid document. So far as I can understand this is due to the fact that it would mean that restrictions are applied to home schooling, and that children under the age of 18 cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Are there any other reasons?

Reasons to disobey orders?

If it is Unconstitutional you should disobey the order. You swore to uphold the Constitution, and that trumps some nitwit Commander

What is the best testosterone booster? explain please.?

a testosterone boosting supplement is needed. my doctor said my growth plates are having trouble growing completely even though i am already 5'11''. because of the height i am he said he did not feel the need to prescribe a booster. but he also said me purchasing a testosterone booster would be very beneficial.

Would fuel additives hurt my Engine?

I know fuel additives like STP's Octane booster (don't complain about them.. I know they aren't "all that"), I know they can seriously f*ck up more modern engines. But I have a 1987 BMW... with an inline 6 engine. I am wondering if the Injector cleaner, octane boosters, etc fuel additives will damage anything.

Can you get a tetanus booster yourself or do you have to get one through your vet?

I do not know how long they are good for but generally when a horse is gelded they are given a T. shot.

What vaccinations do i need?

hi im 14 years old and im going to be a freshmen this year...the last time i got shots was i think before kindergarden what shots do i need?do i need all of them or just the TB test, Booster, and the TDAP?do they hurt?

Minivan help please!?!?!?!?!?!?

My kids are 13, 11, 9, 7, & 4. Where should they sit in my new mini van. My hubby & I will sit up front, and there are 2 seats in the middle and three in the back. Should my 9 year old still be in the booster seat?

Algebra 2 help please?

Using complete sentences, explain how the Rational Root Theorem and Descartes’ Rule of Signs are used to find the zeros of a polynomial function. Be sure to provide the answer in your explanation.

What YuGiOh structure deck should I buy?

So im in a sticky situation here. I have a lot of different cards that don't fit into 1 main deck so i'm going to buy a structure deck. Some cards that I have right now are four of the six samurais, good spells and traps that fit into any deck, and some elementary heros(not that strong), but i have bladege, etc. Since I only have enough money to buy 1 structure deck and 1 booster pack what should I buy? My friends suggest the Lost Sanctuary but I can only buy 1 and my current cards won't fit with the fairy deck. So what should I buy????

Ex: sqrt(1-x) domain (-infin, 0) (1+x^2) domain (0, inifn)?

how do i solve for the domain on this problem the two functions appear to work they leave only x when simplified but i forgot how to find out for the domains

Which of the following is NOT a prerequisite for joining the EU?

B is the answer. a href="" rel="nofollow" a look at the europa website for more details, I have placed you a link, I hope it helps.

Does my power break booster need to be changed?

Just recently the breaks on the car are hard to press down when I try to stop and then a ABS light comes on and some other one and I took it into the mechanics a few times because it keeps doing the same thing and plus I went in to do some other things but the problem still persists and I'd have to wait for hours for it to cool down before the car can work again cause it would be close to stalling and the car would start reving real high up to 20 not sure if it would be the power break booster and would need to be changed

Need good Halo 3 booster to get me from 42 to 50 in TS.?

Ive been playing with randoms and have gotten to 42 in Team Slayer and 41 in Snipers . I just need someone to boost me the last 8 levels. My gamertag is o CuRbStOmP. Add/Message me and we can get this **** done.

What foods can I eat that have no carbs/sugars?

I have type 2 diabetes, but no longer have health insurance or medicine. I cannot eat carbs or even fruit without my sugars skyrocketing. I have been eating a lot of protein and veggies, but I am feeling weak and think I am not getting enough calories. I work out at least 3/week and it seems to be getting harder just to stay awake. I need some healthy, low carb, low sugar ideas to help get enough calories to function properly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time.

Monday, July 11, 2011

What are some failures of Dwight D. Eisenhower's Presidency?

Nothing. This man is one of our greatest presidents. He proves there is still hope for the Republican party.

Why does my husband ex wants to be my friend?

You don't have to be her friend. However, you do have to keep the peace. The facts is your husband has children with her. He will always be in contact with her. If you can't cope with that, you should not have married him.

What should I name my Baby Girl?

When you select a name, it should be unique else it may not help your Girl. A good name should stand out in a group. Avoid common names such as Olivia

Who was the killer in this story?

i think she has a split personality, she thought she saw the killer out a window, but then she was told they were mirrors and she was seeing herself, shes a freak

Is Snooki from Jersey Shore a goblin?

I was forced to watch Jersey Shore the other day (in direct violation of the Geneva Convention, by the way) and something that stood out to me is how small and screechy and horrifically ugly the "Snooki" is. Is it a goblin? And does it grant wishes if you capture it?

How to restart my Asus Eee Pc 1005 HAB to factory settings?

I need to know how to restart my laptop to factory settings i've tried to use F9 but thats not working i keep getting a windows 7 thing ive looked it up and people say to press F2 to go to BIOs utility settings and go to Boot booster and disable it but i dont have a Boot Booster and i cant use a CD to do it because i dont have a CD so how do i make my laptop restart to factory settings???? I've everything! Help!

Pre-calc help. exponential and log functions?

This is basically x^2=(4x/(12+radical x)). Log functions are all about finding what power you raise the base (in this case x because it is unknown) to get your given function (4x/12 + radical x). In this case you are given the result and the power raised to so you have to solve for the base.

Does an adult dog have to get vaccinated once a year if they already had shots as a puppy?

my 3 yr old pit bull had his shots as a puppy then again when he went to the pound like 1 yr later..... does he need any boosters now as an adult?

How to find displacement?

The velocity function is v(t)=t^2–6t+8 for a particle moving along a line. Find the displacement (net distance covered) of the particle during the time interval [0,6].

When giving a puppy their "booster" shots a week apart, do they still work?

I recently adopted a puppy from a shelter. Her three rounds of puppy shots are included in her adoption price. Last week, I took her to the clinic at the shelter and she got her second round of shots. On Tuesday, I took her to the vet because she had a few minor illnesses when I adopted her so she had to go in for her follow up. The vet tech told me that since she is now 4 months, she will need her rabies shot. Even though this is free at the shelter, I went ahead and told them to give it to her. I informed the vet tech that she had just received her second shots. Next thing I know, the veterinarian comes in and gives two shots very quickly. I asked why she had two and the doctor told me it was rabies and her 2nd boosters. I told the vet that she had the 2nd shot already and the vet told me not to worry about it..that it wouldn't hurt her. However, a friend told me that her vet said that if shots are given again within two weeks, that it basically cancels the shots out and they are ineffective. Does anyone know if this is true?

Integrated Algebra Formula??????????

I need the formula for the following problem: The booster club raised $30,000 for a sports fund. no more money will be placed into the fun. Each year the fund will decrease by 5%. Determine the amount of money, to the nearest cent, that will be left in the sports fund after 4 years>

When we say the population changes at a rate proportional to its size.....?

P(t)=Poe^(kt) Is the population at time t, dP/dt, the rate in change in population, is proportional to its initial population, and anytime there after. It decreases/increases relative to the population. I suppose a proof would be adding the function P to its derivative and setting it equal to zero...a homogenous equation versus a heterogeneous equation will vary solely on P, as opposed to some input function for 0

Long distance relationships?

I applied to study for a postgrad degree in Geneva 7 months ago. I met someone I really like 6 months ago. I found out a couple of weeks ago that I got accepted with a scholarship to study in Geneva and it's an opportunity that I cannot turn down. My boyfriend and I are upset because this will mean that we will be living in different countries - me in Switzerland and him in UK. I think that this is doable because we will only be a couple of hours away, so we can see each other on weekends. but how practical is this? Also, it depends on him finding a job in London in his field of banking. If not, he may have to return to Brazil where he already has several job offers. If he does this, I don't know what will happen. any suggestions/opinions/experiences of long-term relationships?

My laptop is stupid, can you please help?

I have a sony vaio VPCF136FM. Lately, it has begun changing the basic functions of my keyboard. I have a numeric pad on the right side so number lock issue doesn't apply here. I'll give some examples: my 'L' key will lock my computer, my 'M' key will minimize the foremost window and the arrow keys munipulate the window accordingly e.g.: left will shift the window to the left, down will minimize the window, up will maximize the window, etc. Can anyone tell me what the problem is? I tried calling the stupid vaio care people, but all the guy did was have me uninstall and reinstall the drivers after a half hour of BSing. Shortly after that the issue popped up again requiring another reboot. I've also done a ridiculous number of computer scans for viruses, registry issues, and any other possible problems that could pop up. I've even defragged and nothing. I haven't gone as far as actually changing anything because I don't really don't what I'm doing in that regard, but I could really use a hand. Any solutions?

Image link broken, help?

It could be due to the width: 153px that you set in the stylesheet. You may want to set this to the size of your logo.

What's up with people using other people as ego boosters these days?

I don't know you seem to think you're better then these people so obviously your ego is fairly high. ;)

True Fit car seat review. Anyone have one, have opinions on fit/quality?

The First Years True Fit Convertible Car Seat, looking at one for $124 but know nothing of the brand. We are in need of a 'cheap seat' that will take us at least to age 5 or so and a bit on the skinny side. I have Evenflo and SK Radians we swear by in our cars, but this time around we need to replace our Cosco Scenera due to an accident. (company car, and we lent it out, no one hurt). The baby is 18 months, 28 pounds. We need a good seat to keep him rear-facing, and last more than the 1 1/2 years he would fit in the Scenera. I am thinking the True Fit might work and be abetter buy, instead of buying another Scenera now and then in two years buy a harnessed booster. looking for opinions and suggestions! thanks!

Alexandra, Annabella, and Angelina OR Gianna, Gabriella, and Geneva for triplet girls?

Gianna, Gabriella and Gineva. Gorgeous names. Are you sure she's going with Gineva and not Ginevra? I'd prefer Ginevra but either of the two fits in perfectly with Gianna and Gabriella. Congratulations to her and good luck. :)

Car seats for new borns? (infant or convertable)?

should i buy a infant car sear (rear facing 5 pound to 2 pounds) or a convertable one (rear facing 5 pound to 35 pounds, ten turns into forward facing carseat....some even into a booster seat)??????

I am a 20 year old virgin with erectile dysfunction?

Yes, I am a virgin, its my business... anyway, I am 20 yrs old, I am getting very close with this girl. I am in good shape(6'1 190lbs), i have always been well endowed you can say about 7.4 last i remember. for the past few months when i masturbate i cannot get hard barely halfway and i cant even stay hard. i tried everything.,,, at first i figured it would go away and it didn't bother me, now it is really bothering me. this girl is the one and i keep blowing her off its embarrassing. what do i do?! i bought these pills in the store by me, it looked something like viagra called "sex booster". i am willing to do anything to get a hard on when i get the chance with her. she has the looks and personality... it has been at least 3 and half months if not longer and i am getting worried. i am also masturbating with less then a half erection, idk if this is good or not(but what am i supposed to do???)... please somebody help me. thank you

Question about functions. f(x) - g(x)?

If I am supposed to do f(x) - g(x), do I distribute the minus to each term of g(x), or do I just leave the minus as is?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Can my land lord turn off my utilities if i am behind on the rent?

I live in wisconsin and moved to lake geneva for work then got layed off fell behind on the rent and now back to work and pay rent plus 200 bucks to back rent but landlord wants it all and turned my utilities off can they do that? They turned off the hot water lines and the gas so no shower for work no food after work and no heat.

I cut myself on a rusty leaf spring. Should I be worried about tetanus?

I was trying to get a muffler off my vehicle, and I slipped and received a small cut to my left forearm caused by a rusty leaf spring. I cleaned and applied hydrogen peroxide right away, but should I go in for a tetanus shot? I couldn't tell you how long it's been since my last booster.

How long is the flight between Zurich and Geneva?

Doing a transient in Zurich and I have 45 minutes to get to me next flight, which leaves Zurich to Geneva. Is that usually enough time?

Sore jaw after a series of vaccines yesterday?

I received a tetanus vaccine, MMR, and Hep B booster yesterday. and I was wondering if this could be causing my jaw to be a little sore. It seems like my jaw or ear is sore.

Do you REALLY believe osama is dead? OPEN MINDED PEOPLE ONLY!!!?

yea like where did his wife go and stuff good point and just so you know he was burried at sea not because of his religion but if he was buried people would dig him up and either hold it for ransom or like steal his skull and hang it in their house like a deer and just be like i got the most wanted mans head in my house so yea

Why wont my European XBox 360 work in America?

SO I have a Xbox 360 with me that I purchased in Europe, Finland and I took it here, to America, so why wont it work? No power in it and do I need to buy a booster, what is a booster and where can I get one? Thanks already

Where can i get pokemon energy cards?

Booster packs dont seem to have them and i dont really want to buy decks just to get the energy cards

Just got ripped off on a car? Can I return it?**ten points**?

So, I paid about 4000 on an audi 1998. The man I bought it from bought it from another man. The car had been in an accident and this man assured me he would fix and get it running up and stuff. Well now the sale has been signed and stuff.It is in 'as in' condition. But when I drove I noticed that something was wrong. I took it to meinke and they told me the car's transmission is pretty much nonexistent and that supposedly I have three days to return it? And I was wondering if anyone know the lemon laws and such in arizona to confirm it? Also isn't false advertising? I was assured a fully functioning car and clearly this isn't one. Well thank you. (:

UPDATE: My Toshiba satellite L750D/L755D laptop will not boot up.?

Okay so here is an update of the question I just asked. My laptop now - instead of loading and saying Booster CD and Cable Connection it now does nothing. I just turned on my laptop and the Toshiba logo appears and about 3 seconds after that it says 'Windows is now loading/starting up' with a white rectangular box underneath it. It loads, then a black screen comes up with just the mouse. It continually stays blank. I have been on the Toshiba website and the one thing that sounds like it could work- my laptop decides to do this. Please help.

Why some live virus vaccine, like measles need booster doses?

since they changes their genetic code very quickly. the booster you originally got will be outdated by the new breed of viruses. the best example would be the cold virus. this virus changes almost annually

Please rate my mostly warrior deck and suggest ANY changes?

I like your general structure. I'd add another Gilford the Legend just in case something happens to one before you can summon it because you can't monster reborn him. Also Get your hands on a Warrior Returning Alive spell card and a Sword of the Soul Eater equip card. A couple of cards that can negate the activation of cards like Really Eternal Rest and Eternal Rest would be good for you because of all of your equip cards. Definitely get Silent Swordsman LV 7. He's like a Jinzo for Spell cards. I personally would not go with 60 cards. But that's just my preference and I know how hard it can be to cut down a deck you worked hard to build. But 60 can make it difficult to get what you want. Hope all this helped.

Router signal boosters?

houses with thick walls major problem solved mine with 20 cable to room which i used the most up stair and wireless down stairs

Has anybody gone to one of these 27 colleges?

Middlebury and Holy Cross are the best of the colleges listed in terms of academics and overall college experience.

Can I tell a doctor to prescribe me femara?

I'm a bodybuilder and I took some powerful Testosterone boosters and I got gynecomastia, a lot of bodybuilders take femara to get rid of it and it has worked for them, can I tell my doctor to prescribe femara, I don't trust online websites that sell it illegally without prescription

Which set for triplet girls do you like the best? (Down to 5 sets)?

Set#4: Emma, Ella, and Eva because they don't have silly nicknames,, though I do think Ella and Emma are very similar.

Car hire Geneva Airport - What's easier - French or Swiss side?

Generally French side is the cheaper one but you also nee to consider what all options do you have when you hire car in any of those sides. As the costlier car which you are getting on the Swiss side will surely come with unlimited miles, good insurance coverage etc. So do consider all these factors while booking for a rental car on any side. These small things can make huge difference in the end.

Cell phone signal booster problem?

i go with cell phone outside the cover area of the phone company, is that possible to use the signal booster to keep the phone working ?

Help With booster packs (Yugioh!)?

I have a question! Im not looking for anything in specific, i just wanna know which booster/duelist pack will give me a bigger chance of pulling out a Ultra/Super/Secret rare card?

Narrowed my names down?

hi I like the 1st and 3rd best but to mix it up I really like Ava Grace Rose and Sienna Harlow Leighton! :) good luck with your girls, they will have long names haha

Do line combat medics still wear the red cross armband?

As of present, do they still wear it? Because if they do, wouldn't they be a priority target for insurgents who do not respect the Geneva Treaty?

Venice, Geneva or Vienna?

Now I'm not pregnant, won't be soon and these are not my favourites. BUT, since they are ALL girls names, I was wondering which do you think is the nicest? Which sounds nicest, flows etc. Answer sensibly or don't bother :)

Off-roading in Central Florida!?

I just got a wrangler and would like to know if anyone knew of any beginner or moderate offroad trails or just little dirt roads that are fun in Central Florida near Geneva or Chuluota! Any help at all would be very appreciated!

Are Atheists blind, and cannot see the Blessings of Christian Religion, or possessed of optimal acute vision?

"Such Christians as seriously put their backs into attaining these experiences may even become unparalleled connoisseurs in the various grades of Smelling Salts" Lol

What is happening with LHC in Geneva? and why are they building other Colliders beside the ones in the U.S?

And what are the results of the successful colliders in the U.S? I think one of them is in Brokfield

I've Met Justin Bieber! Isn't that a Confidence Booster?

only if u were the one who threw the water bottle at him. now that would be serious bragging rights.

How to minimize cell phone bill?

I really only need a cell phone so people can get a hold of me if they have an emergency. Therefore the basic phone function as well as long distance within the U.S. is all I need. Yahoo community, please give me some advise on which cell phone company to buy service from and how to trim down the monthly bill to a minimum. Thanks.

13 year old physical exam?

all i think they do is look at your p***s and maybe move it to the left to see your testes but since your 13 they might not touch it theyll also look at you bottom

How do I stop random music and noise from speakers?

For about a week now I have been on my computer watching a video or something. All of a sudden out of nowhere I hear the sound from the video of the two twin babies talking or I hear music but even if I close all the open windows it keeps playing. I have read it might be Malware. I have downloaded Uniblue registry booster and malwarebytes to see if it will fix the problem. If you know what is causing it and how I can fix it I would really appreciate it. If I need a program just put a link in the description.

Do I Need French (UN Jobs Question)?

I agree with Goddess of Grammar, if you hate the French language, I wouldn't go to Geneva if I were you. You'll either have to deal with your personal issues with French or just do a job somewhere else where a lot of languages are needed.

Suppose you graph a particular consumption function and find that it overlays (i.e., is congruent with) the fo?

Hint: the congruency between the consumption function and the 45 degree reference line means that for each and every level of disposable income, consumption spending equals disposable income. Additional hint: Neither value = .50.

Interested in higher Longevity and Higher learning?

Structurally speaking, the human body pretty much maxes out at 120 years. Very few people make it that far, and some don't even get to the halfway point!

Islamic republic of america?

Islamic republic of America? Not while I still draw breath and the many like me. You make good points in your statement. The cure is to kick the current administration out on its ear.

Brake pedal goes to floor - Subaru?

the diaphragm in the brake booster or the master cylinder . It may be there may be crap in the lines and is clogging up . or it is the diaphragm in the booster

Ive got an unlocked blackberry curve and im on t mobile,?

i just got the blackberry booster on tmobile which was MONTHBB but i still cant use bbm, i got the phone unlocked as i got it from a friend, shouldnt the booster be able to let me use bbm and all that ?

Use the definition of a derivative function to find (5/sqrtx)'.?

Please include your steps as I keep getting different answers for this problem and at this point have no clue how I would solve it.

Which way does air flow on the check valve on the vacuum hose from the Brake Booster?? HELP!?

The vacuum is from the intake manifold so the flow is toward the engine. Inspect the hose and connections closely for leaks. You may have a defective booster if the engine revs when apply brakes.

I want to be an actress, I'm a 13 year old strawberry-blonde with no experience. What should I do?

I'm 14 years old and want to become a actor, and the sadest thing just happen to me, I found out somebody I KNOW Is an actor today and starts filming in August, I don't know if this is true but it seems true

Iam going for conference to geneva at the end of june..can?

iam going for conference to geneva at the end of june..can someone tell how i should plan to visit countries near to geneva specially paris?

How to reach Stuttgart from Geneva?

going by train is the best option because it is not only cheaper than air but it also offers you a chance to see the road side and stop on the way and enjoy local scenery, along with it, swiss transit buses are great too and you can travel by bus.. it is important to check the rates for bus and train and compare the type of journey you are taking. sometimes it is cheap to book before and online while in other cases, it is cheap if you buy at the last minute, also see if they bus or train is a luxury one or not. check out a href="" rel="nofollow" for visit to switzerland and see how you can get in there the easy way

I have a 97 chevy k1500 350 it wont sta running unless i unhook the vacum hose from the brake booster?

need a little more detail. when you unhook the vacuum line do you plug the end that it won't draw excess vacuum? therefore enriching the fuel/air mixture so that it stays running? if so you either have a bad valve at the booster [ that small plastic adaptor valve that plug,s into the booster],or a bad rubber grommet that it plugs into or a defective /leaking booster unit. if the problem is that it needs extra air [ through the hose] then it's a fuel delivery problem...either carburetor or injection issues. need to know just how your equipped [ carburetor or injection] & just how it's acting at the exact time it stops/stalls...come back & list any details you matter how small they may seem.

Why are we now interpreting the Geneva Convention so literally?

At this point the Obama administration has decided that “degrading or humiliating treatment” for a muslim includes an infidel even touching a Koran, so Marines at club Gitmo can’t even hand a Koran to a detainee without it being considered a war crime.

My puppy is realllyyy lethargy, what is wrong?

take him back to the vet and have him or her due blood test for other parasites and it could be a reaction to the meds but better safe than sorry

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back up plan for the Large Hadron Collider ?

Many people think this could happen, but we ve been assured over and over again that it cant. In fact i think micro black holes may have formed before. They don't ever stabilize to the point where their dangerous. Im pretty sure they just consume themselves. And in the HIGHLY unlikely event they did. Theirs nothing we can do. It would consume most of the Earth before you would notice that your being ripped apart at a molecule level. Nothing can escape a black hole, not even light. So running is out of the our back up plan we be cry, and kiss our sweet a22 goodbye.

Should I sell or open my Magic The Gathering Alpha booster?

Honestly, alot of cards from that set are worth >40$. It really depends. if you get 3 lightning bolts you already get alot of money. I would save it. There are rarely anymore alphas and if they're worth this much now, how about in 5-10 years?

How can I get Half Life 2 running on an Asus Eee PC 1005hab?

Lately, I have seen videos of half life 2 being run off of net books very similar to the one mentioned in the question title. The question I am asking is, what do I have to do to make this possible? I'd like some answers from people who have actually tested this. I'd prefer not modifying the driver - but am open to suggestions and "how tos" in regards to driver modification), I do though have GMA Booster, and I barely notice any increase in speed. Also, links to customized tweaks or configurations for the game would be appreciated. (I tried the one from a site called netbook gaming, but it made the whole screen black and un playable).. I just sort of want a step by step way of getting Half Life 2 to work on a lap top with an Intel Atom CPU N270 @ 1.60 GHz, 1.68 Ghz, 0.99 GB of RAM.... Thanks!

Non Prescription drugs that can help me overcome anxiety?

My anxiety has been really really terrible lately. I don't know where it comes from or why I have it but it has gotten to the fact where I can't even function like myself anymore. I am going on a vacation on Thursday. I am already feeling anxious about the plane, we're going to Europe so its a long ride. I am afraid that I will have an anxiety attack while on the plane and I don't know what I will do. I need something that I can take that will help to calm me. I am tempted to take a xanex but I am afraid to do that too. Any suggestions? Thank you so much.

Do you typically have to pay tax on a food stamp purchase if you utilize a store or manufacturer coupon?

It is not a "food stamp purchase". It is partially a food stamp purchase, and partially a coupon purchase. For sales tax purposes, coupons are like money. The tax is the same as if you used however much food stamps you used and $2 of actual money. In other words, there is no tax on what you got with the food stamps, but there is tax on what you got with the coupon, the same amount of tax as if you used $2 of actual money to buy something.

Blackberry sim switching from contract to pay as you go. NEED ADVICE.?

my blackberry is on contract, i got the phone free with my contract, my contract sim card has the blackberry booster on it, if i put the sim card in a pay as you go blackberry, will i be able to use blackberry messenger on the pay as you go one?

What other retail stores sell Yu-Gi-Oh! cards?

go to to the yugioh website tell it where you live and itll tell you registererd yugioh card shops nearby.

What is the definition of a healthy person according to the Geneva convention ?

Please do not delete that question. Eating three balanced meals, living three meters above the ground etc.

Question about the geneva convention and bin laden photos?

Also consider..much like the UN the Geneva Convention is a powerless document. You have to agree to submit to its rules and if you break them you have to agree to submit to punishment. This is how a Syria that is slaughtering people in the streets is elected to the Human Rights council of the UN. It is all pointless political posturing that should no longer be funded by us.

Is this a good yugioh deck?

Monsters:Paladin of the Cursed Dragon,Patrician of Darkness,Dreadscythe Harvester,Elemental hero ocean,armed dragon lv.3,elemental hero stratos,armed dragon lv.5,blackwing breeze the zephyr,dragunity arma leyvaten,dragunity arma mystletainn,dragunity brandistock,second booster,majestic dragon,malevolent mech goku en,stardust xiaolong,ryu kokki,reptilianne viper,infernity beetle,scrap goblin,watt fox,delta tri,trigon,red eyes zombie dragon,van’dalgyon the dark dragon lord,cyber dinosaur,dragunity aklys,spyder spider,hypnocorn,ogre of the scarlet shadow,drill synchron. Spells:the fountain in the sky x2,book of life,card of safe return,mage power,zombie world,advance force,creature swap,ribbon of rebirth,magical stone excavation,pot of avarice,cold wave,monster reincarnation,united we stand,shrink,molting escape,rocket pilder,dragon laser,terraforming. Traps:magical arm shield,waboku,bottomless trap hole x2,mirror force,tutan mask,final attack orders . Synchros :Stardust Dragon,Majestic Star Dragon,Drill Warrior,Hundred Eyes Dragon. Thanks

What kind of wireless adapter is best for gaming?

I know that a direct wired connection is optimal for gaming, however that is not an option for me. Since I must go with the wireless option, I was wondering if I should choose a PCI adapter or USB? Also, there are apparently different types such as B, G, and N -- which of these is better for gaming? My wireless router is a Linksys E1000 which I believe is a "100 mbps" router. Unfortunately, the router will be located downstairs, almost directly under me. I'd like an adapter that can reliably transmit through walls, and I am willing to purchase some kind of signal booster if necessary (so don't base your recommendation on how far the adapter works). I would appreciate any information and/or specific recommendations as I am looking for an adapter that can handle online games such as World of Warcraft.

Trigonometry Question, help please?

Use the given values to evaluate (if possible) the remaining six trigonometric functions. cot θ = -5, sin θ = (sqrt 26) / 26, and θ is in Q II

I need a little bit of help with some of my physics study questions..?

Apply your knowledge of Newton's Laws of Motion to explain the operations of automobile safety features like seatbelts and airbags and why it is vital to properly install infant/booster car seats.

What can i do to reclaim wasted space in our tiny yard?

If you think of a box when you come out of the house into the back yard, to the opposite end and dead center is a stone fireplace that's been there forever. we do use it and enjoy it. to the right and coming up from the back there is maple tree, then the garage door and then the gate to the driveway. On the left is our daughter's swing set. there is some open green space in the middle that the kids use to play and run around. off the house is a deck and patio. back on the left there is an extra strip that goes back maybe 30 feet and is probably 10 or 12 feet deep. towards the front of that space is a big tree (over 100 years old) that we would never cut, but the roots make it impossible to grow anything. and because it is "around the corner" it never gets used. any suggestions on what we could do to make it functioning usable space?

How to ski on one ski?

try renting or demoing a fat slalom ski - Munson - Volo, Il more ski to help you develop the feel of a deep water start with only one ski

What are the requirements to be covered under the Geneva Conventions?

I recently read an article for my paper I'm doing on Abu Ghraib and it claims that the Iraqi detainees weren't covered under the conventions. I'm just wondering what the criteria is to be technically covered. thanks.

Identify a person with at least three profound similarities with Victor Frankenstein?

Simple similarities such as "Both are from Geneva" or "Both are insane" are not accepted.The character can be either actual or fictional.Please provide a detailed explanation on why you chose this character.Also give the link if you found it off a website

How may I be exempt from the latest boosters required by College in NJ?

I was vaccinated regularly as a kid, but just did not get boosters at 13 or after. I get a regular flu shot, but do not feel it necessary to get another round of tetanus etc. I do have some health issues that may deem me medically exempt (asthma & severe allergies), but doctors do not give medical exemptions often. I am a well-informed adult and I do not partake in any behavior that would risk my health where vaccinations are concerned, and I am already vaccinated. My last resort would be Religious exemption, but I don't feel that it would be fair. The college that I am transferring is requiring vaccinations, so that is why i am asking.

Will someone rate\fix my deck please?

Not to sound harsh but this deck sucks. You have no order or similarities with the cards. Most people have some sort of technique with their deck, not just focusing on Synchros. Blackwing and X-Saber users plan on swarming the field, Macro users plan on removing cards from play to get at the life points.What's the technique for this deck?

Brake problems on a 1989 silverado?

I have fluid bubbling back up in the small reservoir of the master cylinder whenever you start the engine and the pedal goes down. I have replaced the rear wheel cylinders, master cylinder, brake booster, and bled the lines 5 times. there are no leaks. It has rear anti lock brakes and I was wondering if the anti lock brake valve is what holds the pressure in the line or do I have another bad master cylinder? I even bought a new one, not re-manufactured

Is it possible to fit three car seats in the back of a Ford Fusion?

We have a 2007 Fusion. We have a 4 year old, 2 year old and newborn on the way-so a booster, car seat and infant seat.

Which of the following accomplishments by Pres. Obama are discredited by Conseratives?

El i do believe that you're going to give those cons a heart attack because bush could not do that in 8 years.

What booster pack in battle forge is the best right now?

im going to get 500 bfp and idk wich booster pack i should buy i dont have really good cards so i nedd a good booster pack

What movie should me and my cousin watch?!?!? boys only!!?

ok so my cousin lives far away and she is leaving her house for a week cuz shes sleeping at mine i live in wisconsin she lives in illinois and on friday we are going to go to the movie theater in lake geneva its called showboat but we dont know what movie to watch we want to watch one wer there will be alot of guys haha im a typical girl so im 12 she is 14? here are some movies:transformers,bad teacher ect wich movie would you boys watch?!!?1

Does Netanyahu or Obama realise that even the 67 borders are against international laws?

All the occupied land taken by Israel contravenes the Geneva convention article 49 where it clearly states that an occupier may not transfer its population or property onto lands it occupies For any kind of peace talks to take place should start at its 47 borders which Israel willingly signed and agreed to. Israel are members of the UN and should adhere in full to the rules it helped to make After WW2 all lands liberated by the allies were returned to their rightfull owners. So why should Israel be the one exception to this rule ?

Friday, July 8, 2011

What are the most effective forms of torture.....?

Being forced to endure the driving habits of other people on the freeway during rush hour and NOT be able to take a bite of your steering wheel in frustration.

Starting an Xbox 360 Clan! Anyone want to join?

I play fps mostly. Mainly Crysis 2, MW2, etc. I am looking for some people, girls or guys, to help start a clan with me. I am looking for people interested in using teamwork to win, who enjoy ruining boosters and modders. If you are interested let me know below, or email me at Thanks!

Fun birthday ideas for Chicagoland area?

My birthday is coming up the last weekend of June and I've been really trying to think of something fun and different to do for it. I was originally thinking of taking a weekend trip to Lake Geneva for some fun summer activities but all the hotels are booked up. I could do something in Chicago but I want to do something different than plain old bar hopping. I really want to get a hotel room(s) so me and all my friends can crash somewhere. A weekend trip would be fun but it can't be too far because no one can take off any work, so the other options that spring to mind are Milwaukee or Indianapolis? But I can't think of anything specific to do there that would make it worthwhile. Obviously, I'm having trouble settling on something and I want to make it really memorable!

What happens if you miss booster vaccines for a puppy?

You risked your puppy's life through ignorance. You should have taken the puppy to the vet for a check-up within 72 hours of purchase, to ensure that it had no major problems, and to set up appointments for the puppy shots. Fortunately ,you and the dog were lucky. Sadly, you supported Puppy mills by buying a puppy mill bred dog at a pet store.

What product is a Legitimate testosterone booster?

Can a good topical treatment be found, such as androgel, that doesn't require prescription, or is a snake oil, or voo doo product? Just looking to get back lost energy and libido.

Please help me out? How much will this improve my gpa?

Minimally, you have to average it in and considering that an A is a gpa of 4.00, it would at most raise it to 3.4 but that's unlikely.

Vasovagal Syncope Prevent Passing FAA Exam (3rd Class)?

Today I went to the doctor to get a TB test. After being given the shot, I didn't completely pass out, but almost did. Two days before I got my tetanus booster and meningococcal vaccine and the same thing happened. I am in about 10 hours into my training and was wondering whether or not this could affect me passing my exam. The doctors told me it was vasovagal syncope. I'm really scared I won't be able to though. Please help! Expert's or FAA Examiner's answers would help a lot! Thanks.

Shouldn't the Barret .50 cal be illegal to use in this day and age since it would hurt to much?

There is no such rule in the Geneva convention banning certain caliber weapons as anti-personnel. Various military organizations do however have rules of engagement suggesting certain weapons should not be used against personnel but there's nothing illegal about using one. The rules are rather ridiculous. Possibly the worst round to get hit with is a .22. The link is rather graphic.